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This archival, hand-sewn journal/sketchbook is made from 100 gsm, antique white Hahnemühle Ingres mouldmade paper from Germany, sewn with Irish linen thread in the linked stitch pattern that dates back at least to the Ancient Copts.  It allows the book to lay open easily to any page.

 This book’s endbands are black and white cotton, and its bookmark is a black satin ribbon.  Its spine is covered French Saffiano goatskin, the leather preferred by the Italian house Prada, and its boards are wrapped in a paper that was hand silk-screened in Japan in a factory where kimono silk is decorated.

 Treasure binding began with monks in the 6th Century who would encrust volumes with jewels. During the Renaissance, there was a resurgence in treasure binding. This is a contemporary revival of the treasure binding in which a lucky charm has been embedded in the cover of this book.  

 The talisman in this book is a bronze souvenir medallion from the 1933 World’s Fair in Chicago.  Modern marvels unveiled at the Century of Progress event included air conditioning and dishwashers, but art deco architecture and industrial design have left a lasting impression as well.  It was a grand celebration in honor of Chicago’s centennial.

This book is approximately 6.5 x 10” with a few more than 150 blank pages.

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